Miyerkules, Mayo 7, 2014


MDS Newsletter
Date Issued: May 2014


Barangay Captains, Mayor Melan De Sagun & City Councilors.

                  At 1pm the employees of the city government had the chance to street their stuff for the Inter Department Competition at the Provincial Capitol Ground last May 24, 2014. After weeks of  intense brainstorming, meetings and grueling practice sessions their hard work paid off with the high energy performance of their chosen 60’s moves. Mayor Melan and the city officials had the time of their lives watching the performance of each group. Small divisions and offices were agglomerated to form a big group to compete with bigger departments.

           The heartstoping numbers were judged by Mr. Henn Dimayuga, Mr. Arman Aton & Ms. Vilma Buladas.

      The criteria for judging are Performance 60% (creativity, spacing, showmanship, attire, entertainment value, & variety of styles) Skills 40% (musicality, timing, execution & difficulty of styles) for total of 100%.

            The winner’s in 2nd Place: City Planning & Development Office, 1st Place: City Mayor’s Office, Over-all champion is Civil Security Unit. The group composed of the City Tourism & Information Office (CTIO)/ City Disaster Risk Reduction Management Office (CDRRMO)/Public Employment Service Office (PESO) & Human Resourses Management Office (HRMO) bagged the Best in Costume Award from Smart Communication.

 CMO - Civil Security Unit

City Mayor’s Office
1st Place

City Planning & Development Office      
2nd Place

City Tourism & Information Office (CTIO) /
 City Disaster Risk Reduction Management Office (CDRRMO) / 
Public Employment Service Office (PESO) 
& Human Resource Management Office (HRMO)

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