Lunes, Enero 4, 2016


Date Issued: JANUARY 2016

Contributed By: Architect Ronnie Javier

      “This memorial park is my dream project for the Treceños. Today, this dream will be a reality” Mayor Melan stated last January 8, 2016 at Barangay Aguado during the Ground Breaking Ceremony.  
        Mayor Melan De Sagun was joined by Vice Mayor Alex Lubigan, all City Councilors, Barangay Captains, department heads, and division heads of the Local Government. Our parish friest Fr. Agustin “Auggie” M. Baas blessed the site for the future memorial park. Which was followed by a meaning-full message from Mayor Melan De Sagun. The City Officials and Department Heads then laid the capsule in the ground which contains of a copy of the Treceño Memorial Park plan. The program ended of the prospective Park. 
     The Treceño Memorial Park has a total land area of 9.6 hectares. The park boasts a 216 slot parking lot; a 12 meters wide main minor roads of 5.0 meters wide with 1.20 meters sidewalk all equipped with solar powered lighting facilities; an entrance gate with security cabin; 203 units mausoleum lots of 30 square meters each; 2,047 units of 6.0 square meters lots only, 5,620 units of lawn lots; 18,342 units of apartment type niches, pet cemetery for animal lovers; angel’s paradise; three public comfort rooms for mens and women strategically located within the area; a 200 seating capacity circular chapel; a 2-storey columbarium and crematory building; an engineering and maintenance yard and a 2-storey administration and funeral chapels building with an admin office, stock room, security office, restrooms; and 20 funeral rooms of 50 square meters each with adjustable partitions. The main focal point of the memorial park will be its emblem on the center of a rotonda at the main entrance. All utilities are designed for underground construction and installations. 
     The entire proposed park is designed as a modern and complete memorial park that will solve the problem of lack of space for interment due to the fast growing population of the city.


1 komento:

  1. Hello there, do you have updates on this plan, by any chance? Any info if it was indeed completed? Specifically the 2-storey columbarium ? Thanks!
